Holy Saviour Bitterne | Phase 2 Internal Alterations
Holy Saviour Bitterne
Construction Refurbishment Alteration

Holy Saviour Bitterne is a popular Grade II listed Parish Church located in Southampton. In January 2022, Mountjoy completed the first phase of a two-phase project to enhance the space and make it equipped for the local community for years to come. Phase 1 of the works consisted of the construction of a new two-storey extension and alteration works to the existing church. 

In July 2023, Mountjoy returned to the church to complete Phase 2 of the project, focusing on the modernisation of the existing church’s worship space into a multi-functional space, with an additional office and meeting room. 

The works consisted of: 

  • Strip-out works and floor levelling 
  • Removal of spine walls due to poor conditions 
  • Installation of a new mezzanine floor and timber staircase
  • Installation of partition walls to form a new office and meeting room 
  • High and low level plastering and decorations 
  • High and low level 1st and 2nd fix M&E installations 

Whilst the existing church was closed throughout the works, the adjacent extension building was open to parishioners, and access to the graveyard was also maintained. This meant that safety was integral to the works.

Additionally, two weddings were held within the existing church during the project, with one being held in December and the other on the 14th of February. To ensure these events were managed safely, and that the site was presentable for the event, our Site Manager liaised closely with the client in order to understand the needs of the couple and the guests, planning ahead as far as possible to enable the events to go ahead smoothly.